RSS Versus Bookmarks

Posted on August 03, 2024 by Loren

Coincidentally I read two blog posts about RSS within days of each other this week. Chris is emphasizing the benefits of RSS and encouraging folks to start using it while Jason has decided to stop using it. So I thought I would chime in.


Request for iPhone RSS help

I actually prefer if you read my blog over RSS than the web, for two reasons. Firstly, you have more chance of seeing my future posts that way, rather than remembering to visit the website again. But secondly, and more importantly, I think you will have an improved digital life if you incorporate RSS into your daily habits.


No Need For Feeds

I decided to try something old-school, relatively “low-tech” and “slow-tech.” I deleted my RSS Reader app (NetNewsWire) from all my devices. And I have no web bookmarks to Feedly. But how would I keep up with the latest? What about the cool sites I follow? Answer: surf the web!

Now I simply rely on my browser’s bookmarks. I made a folder called, “RSS Replacement” and saved all the sites that I like to visit for new articles. So I more intentionally go to my bookmark folder and click those I want to visit when I think to do so. I no longer feel pulled to frequently check an app — pull to refresh.

I appreciate Jason's reasoning for deciding to stop using RSS but I side with Chris on this. I have been using RSS for as long as I can remember. Here's why: using RSS centralizes my favorite blogs and news sites, all in one place. I get real-time updates and I never miss a post from my favorite bloggers. Without RSS there is little chance that I would have ever seen the blog post above written by Chris and Jason.